Air Force goes digital with disciplinary training Published May 5, 2008 By Capt. Kristin M. Castiglia Air Force Legal Operations Agency WASHINGTON (AFNEWS) -- When a person signs up for the military, he also signs up for a new system of justice. Although there are many similarities between the civilian and military justice systems, Congress wants to make sure you understand the differences and that's what the Air Force's new military justice training video illustrates. "We have a responsibility to educate and train our personnel on the unique aspects of our justice system. This new video provides that training to them in a meaningful and entertaining way," said Maj. Gen. Jack L. Rives, the judge advocate general of the Air Force. The new military justice training video, which Airmen around the world will soon be required to watch, is entitled "U.S. Air Force Military Justice and You." It explains the military justice process in vivid detail and in straightforward terms so any Airman can understand it. The previous edition of this video was produced almost 30 years ago. Although the message is the same, the updated scenarios are much more realistic, making them a more effective training tool. The up-to-date language and modern look and feel of the actors and the decor, enables the video to capture the attention of all Airmen, regardless of their generation. "This vastly improved training tool will be used to prepare the next generation of Airmen to meet the vigorous disciplinary demands placed on them while serving in today's Air Force," said Loren Perlstein, the associate chief of the Military Justice Division.