The 2010 JA Air Force Assistance Fund Campaign Published March 23, 2010 By Capt Phillip Korman AFLOA/JAJA Washington, D. C. -- It's time for the 2010 JA Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) Campaign! This year's campaign kicked-off on Monday, 12 March, and will run through 23 April 2010. The AFAF campaign raises funds for four charitable organizations that specifically help those in need within the Air Force family. One hundred percent of the gifts are tax deductible and go directly to the AFAF organization(s) of the donor's choice. Campaign key-workers have already begun contacting activity duty members across the service, so those inclined to give should seek out their keyworker today! In today's challenging economy, any amount given will make a big difference, so donors are encouraged to give as early in the campaign as possible! Those who have questions about this year's JA AFAF campaign should contact their local AFAF keyworkers. Thank you in advance for considering a contribution to the AFAF and for helping out our Air Force family!